

ChoppedPress lets you split the WordPress XML export file into smaller files that can be used to import your posts, comments, tags and categories into a new WordPress installation.


Assuming you have already gone throught the process of exporting all of your posts, comments and tags into a file named my-blog-YEAR-MONTH-DATE.xml, you could then split it into several smaller XML files using the following command:

choppedpress my-exported-wordpress.xml

This will generate two (this is the default) XML files named out01.xml and out02.xml. The name of the generated files and/or how many files to generate can be specified by using the appropriate flags as show by choppedpress –help.

Usage: choppedpress <INFILE> [[<OUTFILE>] [<TAG>] [<NUMBER>]]

ChoppedPress lets you split the WordPress XML export file into smaller files that can be used to import your posts, comments, tags and categories into a new WordPress installation.

--version show program’s version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i <FILE>, --infile=<FILE>
 The XML file generated by WordPress
-o <FILE>, --outfile=<FILE>
 The name for the smaller XML files. [default: out]
-t TAG, --tag=TAG
 The XML tag that represents your data. [default: /rss/channel/item]
-n NUMBER, --number=NUMBER
 How many new files should be generated. [default: 2]


ChoppedPress is available at PyPI, so installing it is as simple as executing:

pip install choppedpress

Or you can download the latest version and install it using

git clone
cd choppedpress
python build install


This software is developed by Og Maciel.

Indices and tables